Ysgol Bro Dyfrdwy


The Eco Council are responsible for looking after the school grounds. A completed yearly Eco Audit has to be done to see where the strengths and weaknesses are within the school. They have regular meetings to discuss how to improve the environment and grounds around the school. We, the Eco Council, were elected by our peers in class. We had to think why we wanted to be part of the Eco Council to win our seat. We have elected a chairman, secretary and treasurer, and are very proud to be part of the Eco Council and wear our badges every day. We wish to continue the great work of our previous Eco Councils to ensure that we maintain our 'Platinum Eco-Schools Award' status. We look forward to organising a variety of events over the year and to create a business plan with Den y Ddraig. We are looking forward to growing fruit and vegetables and hopefully selling them to friends of the school. We, the Eco Council, are very proud to be knowledgeable and ethical citizens and look forward to facing new challenges over the coming year. CADEIRYDD Helo fy enw i ydi Joseph. Fy hoff beth ydi Pêl-droed. Rydw i yn cadeirydd y cyngor Eco. Mae cyngor Eco yn cefnogi Unicef i trio rhoi mwy o ddŵr lan i plant. Ein targed ni ydi planu frwythau a llysiau i werthu yn y fair haf. IS-GADEIRYDD Helo fy enw i yw Siwan Rydw i yn flwyddyn 6. Fy hoff beth i gwneud yn yr ysgol yw Gymnasteg. Fy hoff fwyd yw pasta. Rydw i yn is gadeirydd a’r y Cyngor Eco ac ein targed cynllyn bysnes yw i tyfu llysiau a ffrwythau ai gwerth yn y ffair haf. Rydym yn syportio unicef oherwydd rydym ni yn trio rhoi dŵr glan i nhw. YSGRIFENYDDES Helo fy enw i ydi Hana. Rydw i yn Blwyddyn 6 a fy hoff bwyd yw pasta. Fy hoff peth i wneud yn Ysgol yw Gymnasteg a sgwenu. Yn y Cyngor Eco rydw i yn Ysgrifennydd a rydan yn syportio Unicef. I wneud pres rydan yn mynd i planu llysiau a ei gwerthu yn y fair haf. TRYSORYDD Helo fy enw i ydi Cian. Rydwi yn hoffi chware pêl droed a dwin cefnogi Manchester United. Rydw i yn Trysorydd ir cyngor Eco ac mae Trysorydd yn cadw y pres a cyfri. Mae cyngor Eco yn cefogi Unicef oherwydd dan ni trio roi dŵr i plant a rydan yn mynd i trio plannu Llysiau a Ffrwythau.
Ysgol Bro Dyfrdwy © 2025 Website designed and maintained by H G Web Designs
‘Yn y llaw fach, mae’r holl fyd’
Cymraeg Ysgol Bro Dyfrdwy Ysgol Bro Dyfrdwy Ysgol Bro Dyfrdwy Ysgol Bro Dyfrdwy
Here are the school children and parents helping in the gardening club.
Here we are selling the vegetables and herbs that have been growing in our garden over the year. We also created sandwich wraps that we could re-use to sell at the fair, thanks to Mam Owain and Eiddwen for helping us!
We have been very lucky to keep our Green Banner status with the Eco Schools this year!
Here we are collecting litter around the school!


The Eco Council are responsible for looking after the school grounds. A completed yearly Eco Audit has to be done to see where the strengths and weaknesses are within the school. They have regular meetings to discuss how to improve the environment and grounds around the school. We, the Eco Council, were elected by our peers in class. We had to think why we wanted to be part of the Eco Council to win our seat. We have elected a chairman, secretary and treasurer, and are very proud to be part of the Eco Council and wear our badges every day. We wish to continue the great work of our previous Eco Councils to ensure that we maintain our 'Platinum Eco-Schools Award' status. We look forward to organising a variety of events over the year and to create a business plan with Den y Ddraig. We are looking forward to growing fruit and vegetables and hopefully selling them to friends of the school. We, the Eco Council, are very proud to be knowledgeable and ethical citizens and look forward to facing new challenges over the coming year. CADEIRYDD Helo fy enw i ydi Joseph. Fy hoff beth ydi Pêl-droed. Rydw i yn cadeirydd y cyngor Eco. Mae cyngor Eco yn cefnogi Unicef i trio rhoi mwy o ddŵr lan i plant. Ein targed ni ydi planu frwythau a llysiau i werthu yn y fair haf. IS-GADEIRYDD Helo fy enw i yw Siwan Rydw i yn flwyddyn 6. Fy hoff beth i gwneud yn yr ysgol yw Gymnasteg. Fy hoff fwyd yw pasta. Rydw i yn is gadeirydd a’r y Cyngor Eco ac ein targed cynllyn bysnes yw i tyfu llysiau a ffrwythau ai gwerth yn y ffair haf. Rydym yn syportio unicef oherwydd rydym ni yn trio rhoi dŵr glan i nhw. YSGRIFENYDDES Helo fy enw i ydi Hana. Rydw i yn Blwyddyn 6 a fy hoff bwyd yw pasta. Fy hoff peth i wneud yn Ysgol yw Gymnasteg a sgwenu. Yn y Cyngor Eco rydw i yn Ysgrifennydd a rydan yn syportio Unicef. I wneud pres rydan yn mynd i planu llysiau a ei gwerthu yn y fair haf. TRYSORYDD Helo fy enw i ydi Cian. Rydwi yn hoffi chware pêl droed a dwin cefnogi Manchester United. Rydw i yn Trysorydd ir cyngor Eco ac mae Trysorydd yn cadw y pres a cyfri. Mae cyngor Eco yn cefogi Unicef oherwydd dan ni trio roi dŵr i plant a rydan yn mynd i trio plannu Llysiau a Ffrwythau.
Ysgol Bro Dyfrdwy © 2025 Website designed and maintained by H G Web Designs
‘Yn y llaw fach, mae’r holl fyd’
Here are the school children and parents helping in the gardening club.
Here we are selling the vegetables and herbs that have been growing in our garden over the year. We also created sandwich wraps that we could re-use to sell at the fair, thanks to Mam Owain and Eiddwen for helping us!
We have been very lucky to keep our Green Banner status with the Eco Schools this year!
Here we are collecting litter around the school!